JMV has been diligent in providing our elders, family and staff with appropriate updates and information related to Coronavirus; as you are aware we have a robust Infection Control Outbreak system that our staff are well versed in implemented and further to this we have established an additional cleaning and sanitisation schedule throughout the village. This schedule involves additional sanitisation of common touch points (telephones, light switches, lift buttons, door handles, rails etc) up to 3 times per day. The sanitising agent we use is of a grade that is recommended by our chemical company for outbreak management. We have established a supply (should it be required) of PPE.
In addition we have established a protocol as recommended by Dept. Health regarding:
- Staff Advice: Staff returning from overseas travel and their contact with family entering Australia for visiting purposes; this protocol involves a 2 week period of self-isolation. Currently we have 5 staff who are overseas and will be returning in the next month; all will be required to self-isolate x 2 weeks on their return and to follow Dept. Health guidelines as directed on their return
- Elder Advice: we have asked that family who have returned to Australia or entered Australia from an overseas holiday or country no visit us at JMV for a period of 2 weeks.